Annie Armstrong Easter Offering Week of Prayer
Week of Prayer for North American Missions is March 2 - March 9.
Prayer Walk
Wednesday, March 12, 7:00, we will be having a prayer walk in the new building, praying for our church, our staff, our capital campaign, and finishing the race by completing the building.
Sunday, March 30, 2025
12:00 - 2:30 pm
First Baptist Church Stratford
All blood given is credited to Fred Stephens.
Finish the Race
We encourage you to join us in our journey as we build our new building. You will be seeing more in the near future. We have a Facebook page set up - "First Baptist of Stratford Capital Campaign". Be watching for updates there as well.
Meanwhile, when you see the shoe, this is what you do: PRAY! For our church, our staff, our capital campaign.
Hebrews 12:1: Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us.
Capital Campaign Breakfast
As we focus on our Capital Campaign, we invite you to join us March 9, March 16, and March 23, 9:00 for breakfast. We will have a short testimony each Sunday morning.
Then on Sunday, March 30th, we will have a lunch immediately following morning worship. We will then have our Blood Drive for Fred Stephens.
Pastor's Wife Appreciation Month
Please join us as we show our love and appreciation for Crystal at a special Appreciation Reception on Sunday, March 9th, 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Let's come together to celebrate her kindness, faithfulness, and all the ways she blesses our church family. Bring your warm hearts and light finger foods to share as we enjoy an evening of fellowship and gratitude.
Stitchin and Prayin
Our quilt group "Stitchin and Prayin" meets every Tuesday from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. They have a great time and they would love for you to join them.
Wednesday Night Meals
Join us at 6:00 pm. every Wednesday for a great meal. The cost is $2 per person or $5 per family. At 6:45, our Youth and TeamKids have their Bible study. At 7:00, the Adults have their Bible study.
Care Cupboard Food Pantry
The Care Cupboard is open on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month from 3:00 to 4:00 to provide food for those in our community in need of food.
FBC Stratford121 North Oak
Mail: P O Box 532
Stratford, Oklahoma 74872
Phone (580)759-2341